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Open Source Software Adaptation in Africa: Is a Matter of Inferior or Cheap is Not Quality?

Open Source Software Adaptation in Africa: Is a Matter of Inferior or Cheap is Not Quality?
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Author(s): Abubakar Diwani Bakar (Department of Information System, Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia), Abu Bakar Md. Sultan (Department of Information System, Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia), Hazura Zulzalil (Department of Information System, Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia)and Jamilah Din (Department of Information System, Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia)
Copyright: 2014
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Pages: 15
Source title: International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP)
Editor(s)-in-Chief: Marta Catillo (Università degli Studi del Sannio, Italy)
DOI: 10.4018/ijossp.2014010101


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The African continent has long benefited from adopting OSS in its private and public organizations that have changed their way of development, the use and how to acquire proprietary software. This frequency of adaptation does not appear to be in balance with the contribution to the OSS community. Using views from experienced software practitioners working in different organizations across two African countries it has been observed that neglected infrastructure, a wide availability of proprietary software and misconceptions of a clear meaning of Open Source Software across Africa have been an obstacle towards the participation in the OSS technology in the global network.

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